Articles on: Billing & Pricing

How can I cancel my active subscription?

We're sorry to hear you're thinking of leaving us. To cancel your active subscription, please follow these steps:

Log in to Your Account: Access your account by logging in on our website. You can find the login link at the top right corner of the homepage.

Navigate to 'Billing': Once logged in, go to the 'Billing' section in your account dashboard. This is where you can view all your current and past subscriptions.

Select the Subscription to Cancel: Find the subscription you wish to cancel and click on the 'Cancel Subscription' button next to it.

This billing section will be only visible if you have already made a payment on Reverse Conrtact

Important note: If you encounter any issues or need assistance, our customer support team is here to help. You can reach them on our support website chat.

Updated on: 02/02/2024

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