Articles on: Getting Started

How to connect Reverse Contact to Pipedrive with our native integration?

Here a tutorial to use Reverse Contact <> Pipedrive integration at its best capacity:

Enrich backlog leads already in Pipedrive

To enhance the data of leads already present in your Pipedrive CRM, it's important to note that the Reverse Contact integration is configured to enrich only newly added contacts. For the enrichment of your existing leads, follow these steps:

1) Export your complete list of contacts from Pipedrive.

2) Use the file upload feature in Reverse Contact to enrich this list with additional data points.

3) Re-import the enriched contacts back into your Pipedrive CRM, now equipped with expanded information.

For assistance on utilizing the file upload feature in Reverse Contact, view the guide here: How to use the File upload

Enrich ongoing leads in Pipedrive with native integration

To enrich contacts as soon as new leads are created, you can leverage our native Pipedrive integration, which is currently in beta. We welcome and appreciate any feedback you may have, especially if you encounter any issues, as it helps us improve the integration. Here how to setup the native integration:

1) Please visit the following link: Once there, click on "Configure CRM Integration" and proceed to connect your Pipedrive CRM using OAuth.

2) You can customize the export field mapping to suit your needs. To guide you through this process, we've prepared a short video: Watch the Tutorial. This video will show you exactly how to make the necessary adjustments.

Note: Only "Export field" has to be setup, "Import field" can be leave with the default values.

Here the complete list of data available through Reverse Contact:

PersonemailTypeEmail TypeType of the email address (professional/personal)
PersonfirstNameFirst NameFirst name of the person
PersonlastNameLast NameLast name of the person
PersonjobTitleJob TitleProfessional Job Title of the person
PersonheadlineHeadlineHeadline to the person's LinkedIn profile
PersonlocationLocationLocation of the person including Country, State, City and Zip code
PersonphotoUrlPhoto URLURL to the profile picture of the person
PersonfollowerCountLinkedin Follower CountNumber of followers the person has on LinkedIn
PersonconnectionCountLinkedin Connection CountNumber of connections the person has on LinkedIn
PersonpositionsPositions HistoryEmployment history of the person
PersonschoolsSchools HistoryEducational background of the person
PersonskillsSkillsList of skills the person possesses
PersonsummaryPerson Linkedin SummarySummary of the person Linkedin Profile (about section)
PersoncreationDate (year)Person Linkedin Year creation dateCreation year of the Linkedin profile
PersoncreationDate (month)Person Linkedin Month creation dateCreation month (1-12) of the Linkedin profile
PersonlanguagesPerson LanguagesLanguages talk by the person
PersonlinkedInUrlLinkedIn URLURL to the person's LinkedIn profile
CompanywebsiteUrlWebsite URLURL to the company's website
CompanynameCompany NameName of the company
CompanylogoLogoURL to the company logo
CompanyemployeeCountNumber of EmployeesNumber of employees in the company
CompanydescriptionShort Company DescriptionDescription of the company
CompanytaglineCompany TaglineTagline or motto of the company
CompanyspecialitiesSpecialitiesList of specialities or areas of expertise of the company
CompanyheadquarterHeadquarterHeadquarter details of the company including Country, State, City and Zip code
CompanyindustryIndustryIndustry type of the company
CompanylinkedinUrlLinkedIn URLURL to the company's LinkedIn page

Note: Sometimes you will need to create Pipedrive custom field if there are not already created in your Pipedrive CRM, here how to do it:

3) Activate the flow (if not already activated)

Please note that the integration is designed to check for new contacts every 5 minutes. Therefore, after new contacts are created, you may need to wait up to a maximum of 5 minutes before these contacts are enriched.

Updated on: 10/07/2024

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